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I created this website when the Practical API Design book (describing all the design mistakes I did when designing NetBeans) was published to be a source of latest on-line news from the world of API Design. I still publish my observations about APIDesignPatterns or various APITypes, but I am also trying to cover other projects of mine like Bck2Brwsr or DukeScript. Here is the overview of most recent topics that I blogged about:


  • Never Update (API) Tests!
  • Never hold a lock when calling a foreign code!
  • Shocking: Default Listener Methods ain't Dangerous!
  • Where's your Frontend? On a desktop!?
  • Don't rely on Jenkins and co. They hurt your API design skills!


  • 超详细的windows加速辅助教程 - 萌V小站:切记,由于电脑环境复杂,如果某个浏览器不可众,尝试一下其他浏览器,因为有些浏览器很多小伙伴安装了插件会影响!有些网站需要把伕理模式 选择全伕模式才能打开哦,智能分流模式应用于普通网站
  • Available on Safari Books Online
  • TenYears of the Practical API Design book
  • Bck2Brwsr 0.23: Get Started via Gradle!
  • Singletonizer API Design Pattern


  • Micronaut Brings Compile Time Annotations to JavaEE Developers
  • Spreading Malware
  • Twenty Years: Sun Microsystems Acquires NetBeans
  • My First Post on Medium is out!
  • Graal.js is in NetBeans

Anyway I'll be thankful if you decide to read the Practical API Design book. Here is few reasons why to do it: Have You Ever Wondered?


There are people who found Practical API Design too philosophical. For those, I've decided to follow steps of previous misunderstood philosophers and released shorter summary: 20 API Paradoxes (for dummies). In this book I concentrated on the most critical question: What is the difference between classical day-to-day programming and designing a framework? In the past I'd collected at least twenty of such differences, and because they are a bit surprising, I call them paradoxes. In case you prefer just the final advice, and don't care that much about the journey (e.g. philosophy), consider 20 API Paradoxes.

Soon after publishing Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, Kant realized that nobody is able to read it all and he released his 登录国外网站的加速器 to summarize and re-explain in more understandable style the thoughts of his Critique. I'd like my Paradoxes to do the same to TheAPIBook with the hope to attract wider audience to the topic of API design and convince part of them that it is worth to buy TheAPIBook.


The book is now available for download at Amazon US and mirror sites, including 登录国外网站的加速器. Those who prefer other formats and readers than kindle may take a look at Barnes & Noble site.

The presentation has been delivered many times. Here is a recording of 20 API Paradoxes at JDD Krakow.

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